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Thoughts from the Tire Shop

Alane Stanton

(The past two weeks have been spent fighting off Covid, but my mind goes back to just over three weeks ago….)

Screeeech …

Not the sound you want to hear when facing a 7-8 hour drive. A couple of lights on the dash light up, and I held my breath. I need to get to the hospital to see Mama, not deal with car issues.

Mama had pacemaker surgery, moved to rehab, and now I deal with said car issues. I pull in to lot of my trusted tire shop. It is bittersweet in many ways.

After my son passed away, this garage serviced his truck for me at no charge, just their cost for parts.

When it came time to sell the truck, Big Dave said, “You don’t need to worry about all of that. I’ll take care of it for you. Leave me the key, and I’ll deal with the prospective buyers.” I cried at his kindness.

As I park, I read their sign out front, “Forever Loved. Forever Missed. David Julian”

Big Dave is gone. Cancer sucks.

My son is gone. Addiction sucks.

But I am blessed.

The past week has been spent in hospital rooms, rehab rooms, and hotel rooms.


… provided for Mama as her heart rate dipped dangerously low. He provided doctors and nurses who cared for her with skilled hands and sharp minds. She has a new pacemaker and her heart is beating in normal ranges, providing her with life-giving flow. Her mind and her body are both functioning at a much higher capacity and expectation than we could have hoped for … except for God.

He also provided for me during this time. He allowed me to arrive safely in spite of the screech of my brakes and dash lights warning me of a problem. He directed me to a hotel with a friendly staff and provided new friends while there. One who called me by name and asked about my sweet mama every time I walked in the door. One who stopped to talk while I visited with the other. She needed me, I needed her, and we talked for over an hour. She is no longer a stranger, but a friend and sister in Christ.

And I now have new brakes!

When we may least expect it, the blessings will come. They may come in unexpected wrappings, arrive at unexpected times, and unexpectedly touch our hearts.

At this writing … I am tired. I am hungry. (Why did I skip breakfast???) I want my Mama to get better. I wish I was walking on the beach. I miss my own bed. I … I … I …


I’ll rest when Mama is better. I’m hardly starving (and could benefit from a skipped meal or two). Mama is being taken care of and God is in control. The beach will be there, upon my return home. And my bed isn’t going anywhere, either.

My heart is full. I have been ministered to by complete strangers, now friends. I have a group of sweet little ladies at the rehabilitation facility that I smile and wave at, and occasionally stop for a brief chat while I’m there to see Mama. It fills my heart even more when they smile and wave back.

This trip, I have been called:

A light

An inspiration

A gift

And told:

"You just shine."

"You draw people to you."

"You are just what I needed."

"You are full of positive energy that we all need."


I am none of these things, but Jesus in me! He is willing to use us, if only we are willing to be used.

It takes one second to offer a smile to a lonely person.

It takes two seconds to wave at someone who needs a friend.

It takes one minute to ask, “How are you doing today, Miss Betty?” and wait for a response.

It takes but one hour to share your heart and receive the friendship of another.

How willing are we to give one second and a smile?

How about two to stop and wave?

Are we going to miss that one minute out of our day and rob ourselves and/or someone else of a blessing?

Are we willing to spend an hour with someone who needs to hear an encouraging word and possibly miss a ginormous blessing ourselves?

God gives us SO many opportunities that we squander away, ignore, or dismiss completely. We can come up with so many excuses, can’t we? I’m trying to be more aware, more open, and more obedient to the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit. I don’t want to miss the small blessing of a returned smile, or the huge blessing of a new friend.

What about you?

Treasure the ones who have gone before us. Love on the ones with whom you come in contact. Give a smile, a wave, a hug … if you dare.

AND I DARE YOU to receive the blessings!


Ecclesiastes 3 tells us a bit about time -

"A time to keep silent, and a time to speak" - v7

"A time to love" - v 8

"A time to plant (kindness, encouragement, help, a smile)" - v2

"A time to embrace" - v5 - (I love hugs!!!)

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” - Hebrews 4:16

About blessings:

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” - Proverbs 11:25

“And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God.- Deuteronomy 28:2

Oh that we may be open to His guidance, and obedient to His voice.


1 Comment

Feb 17, 2022

Thank you for sharing. We, too many times, get wrapped up in our own trials. we miss the opportunities to minister. I am thankful ever for FBGS and those who continually minister and bless me! Hope you are feeling better and your mom is continuing to improve! Carla


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