Absenteeism is not what I’m usually known for, so as to this blog, I promise to do better.
However …
Life happens.
In spades.
My 2022 thus far:
My mama almost died.
I got COVID for my birthday.
My uncle, Daddy’s brother, passed away.
Someone I have to see on a regular basis cheated me in business, then harassed me while on vacation and again upon my return home.
My great nieces were removed from their home and placed in DCS care.
My uncle, on Mama’s side, had a large cancerous tumor develop on his neck.
Mama wouldn’t take her meds and almost died again.
Inflation hit its highest mark in 40 years, and I’ve had to put several thousand dollars into my car to keep it running.
I’m tired, but started a new job to help cover expenses.
One day at work a friend brought her four-year-old grandson in for a visit.
Me, “Hey K——n! How are you today?”
“Much good,” he answered, as he ran off to check out the stuffed animals.
Two powerful words I haven’t been able to get out of my head since they were spoken to me.
MUCH GOOD. That means … a whole bunch … abundant … more than I deserve.
So let me look at 2022 in light of those words. WOW! Things don’t always appear as originally perceived. My year looks very different from the first synopsis with a change in perspective.
Mama is doing better, for now, and I am grateful.
During my bout with COVID, friends dropped thoughtful expressions of love at my door on a daily basis. Everything from flowers, to cake (my diagnosis took place on my birthday), to groceries …. It felt like Christmas!
Vacation to a new place, with family in part, and exploring on my own in others, was AMAZING! My joy of discovering the beauty around me was not thwarted by the person trying to defeat me. Upon my return, God showed His love by covering me up in it as I began a new Bible study in my home. He showed me that Satan had used someone to try to derail what God had planned. It backfired as women showed up, studied God’s Word, and grew in grace and strength, just like Esther … the subject of our study! Now I can pray for that person so Satan can’t use them again. God has a plan for both of us, and Satan can’t win! To God be the glory!
My uncle is now spending eternity with his sweet wife, my precious Daddy, and Jesus!
Not knowing where my nieces were being taken, I went home to support my family. While there, I went to church. A few rows in front of me sat the girls! I couldn’t believe it! My nieces had been placed in the home of a dear friend’s daughter, which could have only been orchestrated by God. He has proven to me so many times when we are at our lowest, He is still in control. What a blessing to get to see them at church, at school activities, and receive hugs as they were being cared for by a foster mama that I love and adore. They are now back home and beginning school with their friends this week.
My other uncle’s tumor was removed, and no further treatment has been prescribed, as doctors believe he should have no more issues!
God is providing daily for my needs, as well as for my family and friends, during this crazy time in which we find ourselves. And I’m thankful I have a car … and it runs!
I’m working with wonderful folks, and I am blessed to work in a beautiful setting by the Gulf.
2022 is MUCH GOOD!
Three trips to Tennessee due to family crises turned into blessings in disguise as I spent time with my daughter, mama, family, and dear friends. Much good can be found in crisis when we look for it!
Though there has been much worry, disappointment, fear of the unknown, regret, and sadness in the last several years, there has also been much good. Good grace. Good God. May we never forget the abundance that our loving Heavenly Father showers upon us in the form of blessings, reassurance, grace, forgiveness, comfort, provision, and joy. So much joy!
The next time someone asks me, “Alane, how are you?” I just might answer, “Much good!”
May our eyes be forever open to the “much good” that surrounds us.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” ~ John 10:10
“For as we share in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.” ~ 2 Corinthians 1:5
“He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars; He gives to all of them their names. GREAT IS OUR GOD, AND ABUNDANT IN POWER; His understanding is beyond measure.” ~ Psalm 147:3-5
“They shall pour forth the fame of Your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness. The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The Lord is good to all, and His mercy is over all that He has made.” ~ Psalm 145:7-9
“I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” ~ Psalm 34:4
“OH, taste and see that the Lord is [much] good! Blessed [much] is the man who takes refuge in Him!” ~ Psalm 34:8 (emphasis mine)

Love this! Thank you.
This was beautifully delivered and I needed it. Thank you Alane!!!
Thank you for yet another beautifully written reminder of how good our God is, throughout life’s daily journey! Love you❤️ hoping you decide to teach another Bible study!