Have you ever been driving down the road and suddenly realize nothing looks familiar?
Or how about making plans … big or small … but what you envisioned didn’t happen?
I can confidently answer both questions with, “ME, ME, ME!!!”
The words, "You've been served," abruptly halted my plans of being married happily ever after. My world that was so beautifully planned suddenly became very ugly. My life’s path took a drastic turn from the pretty little picture I had painted for myself. The canvas became smeared with bitterness, resentment, and hurt. I didn’t know which way to turn.
Well, if I’m being truly honest, I did … but, I also didn’t. Let me explain.
My life verse is Proverbs 3:5-6.
It says, “TRUST in the Lord [being assured that I can rely on HIM] with ALL your heart - that means my WHOLE heart, holding nothing back.
Lean NOT on your OWN understanding. [But I”m so smart, capable, know what I’m doing. REALLY! Ha!]
But in EVERYTHING acknowledge that He knows best, and HE [NOT ME] will direct my life’s path.”
Wow! That’s a tough one, isn’t it? Letting go of the steering wheel, when I want to be the chauffeur is out of character for me. Learning to trust with my whole heart was so difficult, because I thought (and sometimes still do) God needs my help.
Through my divorce and events that followed, I learned I had no control over anyone but me. I couldn’t make my husband love me. I couldn’t make my daughter choose me, and worst of all, I couldn’t keep my son from the disease of addiction. I couldn’t direct my own path, even though I kept getting behind the wheel and driving down the wrong street!
I ran away, down uncharted roads, in search of peace. After exploring Pensacola one day on one of my runaway from home trips, I decided to walk on the beach before sunset. Each time I started to turn into a beach access, I would feel as if I should go further. This happened multiple times. When I finally found a spot to park, I got out of the car and looked up as I locked the door. There on a hill in the dunes was a cross.
While I was directing my car down the beach road, God was directing my heart and urging me onward. God was letting me know, He hadn’t left me. He was still directing my path. That was the night I felt Him say, “Alane, it’s ok. Move.”
Well of course, I thought He meant move to Pensacola, because that is where He spoke to my heart. So I proceeded to look for homes, eventually making two offers, both of which were rejected. Seriously? But God, You said …
Here I was misdirecting my life, failing to yield to His silent urging. Where my path was headed to East Hill, God had other plans. My own understanding, was and is flawed at best. I was NOT moving to Alabama, because I thought it would be too painful. Not because I'm a Tennessee girl at heart, but because my last vacation with my son was here. But I leaned into Jesus, and He directed my path to the exact spot of that last vacation.
My son was a gifted musician and could play any instrument you placed in his hands. His first song learned on the guitar, in one day mind you at the sweet tender age of 11, was "SWEET HOME ALABAMA." I mean, how wild is that? I know without a doubt, I am right where I am supposed to be. For now, for a season, for a lifetime? Only God knows for sure, and I'm OK with that!
God has shown me over and over again that HE is my guide, and I am directionally challenged when trying to direct my own life. Just when I think I have it all figured out, He comes along and changes my course. Left to my own devices, I will misdirect … Every. Single. Time.
But … If I take off the blinders and let go of the wheel, I see He is waiting to show me His plan. If I choose to truly claim Proverbs 3:5-6, I shall be Miss Directed by His guidance, goodness, and grace.
Are you misdirected right now, struggling to find your way? Or are you Miss Directed
(or maybe Mr. Directed) allowing God to guide your steps? Here are a few more passages to claim today.
“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." (Proverbs 16:3)
“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)
“May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.”
(II Thessalonians 3:5)

All photos are copyright protected and owned by Alane Stanton and A Beautiful Broken Shell.
Thank you for sharing your journey and what you are discovering along the way.